The difference between chlorine-based fertilizer and sulfur-based fertilizer

The composition is different: Chlorine fertilizer is a fertilizer with high chlorine content. Common chlorine fertilizers include potassium chloride, with a chlorine content of 48%. Sulfur-based compound fertilizers have a low chlorine content, less than 3% according to the national standard, and contain a large amount of sulfur.

The process is different: the chloride ion content in the potassium sulfate compound fertilizer is extremely low, and the chloride ion is removed during the production process; while the potassium chloride compound fertilizer does not remove the chlorine element harmful to the chlorine-avoiding crops during the production process, so the product contains Lots of chlorine.

The range of application is different: Chlorine-based compound fertilizers have adverse effects on the yield and quality of chlorine-avoiding crops, seriously reducing the economic benefits of such economic crops; while sulfur-based compound fertilizers are suitable for various soils and various crops, and can effectively improve The appearance and quality of various economic crops can significantly improve the grade of agricultural products.


Different application methods: Chlorine-based compound fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer, but not as seed fertilizer. When used as base fertilizer, it should be used in combination with organic fertilizer and rock phosphate powder on neutral and acidic soils. It should be applied early when used as topdressing fertilizer. Sulfur-based compound fertilizers can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing, seed fertilizer and root topdressing; sulfur-based compound fertilizers are widely used, and the application effect is good on sulfur-deficient soils and vegetables that require more sulfur, such as onions, leeks, garlic, etc. Rapeseed, sugarcane, peanut, soybean, and kidney bean, which are sensitive to sulfur deficiency, respond well to the application of sulfur-based compound fertilizers, but it is not suitable to apply it to aquatic vegetables.

Different fertilizer effects: Chlorine-based compound fertilizers form a large amount of residual chloride ions in the soil, which can easily cause adverse phenomena such as soil compaction, salinization, and alkalization, thereby deteriorating the soil environment and reducing the nutrient absorption capacity of crops. The sulfur element of sulfur-based compound fertilizer is the fourth largest nutrient element after nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can effectively improve the state of sulfur deficiency and directly provide sulfur nutrition for crops.

Precautions for sulfur-based fertilizers: The fertilizer should be applied under the seeds without direct contact to avoid burning the seeds; if the compound fertilizer is applied to leguminous crops, phosphorus fertilizer should be added.

Precautions for chlorine-based fertilizers: Due to the high chlorine content, chlorine-based compound fertilizers can only be used as base fertilizers and topdressing fertilizers, and cannot be used as seed fertilizers and root topdressing fertilizers, otherwise it will easily cause crop roots and seeds to burn.

Post time: Jun-28-2023